Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunny Saturday

Here's little Noah trying to drink milk out of a cup. He actually did okay. He hasn't figured out how to work the sippy cup, but has seemed really interested in trying to drink out of a cup so we thought we'd give it a try. It's hard to see in the bottom picture, but there was milk all over his chin!

What a gorgeous day it was here in CO yesterday. We were invited to Grandma Kathy's and Grandpa Tom's for lunch so we walked over using the new backpack carrier. Noah actually fell asleep on the way over! His poor little head was bobbling as we walked. Tired baby! We spent the afternoon outside playing ladder golf and exploring Kathy's backyard. Noah even put his feet in the water at the top of the yard by the gazebo.

Later cousins Mary and Ellie, Aunt Janis, Uncle Aaron, Grandma Debbie & Grandpa Jerry came over. We ate dinner and played Disney Scene It. What a great day spent with family!

Noah's Aunt Leahna and Uncle Adam left last Thursday for Tacoma, WA. They will be there for three months for Adam's internship. We will miss them but hope that they have a great time exploring WA this summer!!!
Here's another picture of Mr. Smiley pants, I don't have enough! :)

I'm still trying to figure out the new camera. The action is a lot different than our old one and I haven't figure out how to maximize the smile photo opportunities! But I thought this one turned out nicely!

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