Tuesday, January 27, 2009

17 Months Old Today!!

Noah's 17 months old today and is growing and changing everyday. He climbs into his chair at his table with ease, he can get onto his rocking chair, has almost gotten onto his daddy's chair and of course he's trying to get onto the couch as well.
He loves playing with his computer. He knows how to turn it on and off and has favorite buttons that he likes to push. He thinks he's pretty big stuff typing on his laptop although he still loved to type on mine.
He's become a master at the phone. He had my cell phone yesterday and actually dialed Justin's cell!! I must admit we open the phone bill with caution, we keep waiting to see an expensive phone call placed to China!

"Must play trains!" is what this picture is saying. To say he loves his train set is an understatement. He loves trains and is developing a love for vehicles. His new favorite toy is his farm truck that Santa brought him for his first Christmas.

We thought he'd be walking by now but he's decided to remind us that he will do things in his own time. Jessica, his physical therapist, told us this past weekend that it's normal for babies to regress a little before they start walking independently. For a while he would walk back and forth between Justin and I without any help. Now when we try to get him to walk he'll lean against our arms or hang onto our hands. . . once we try to get him to let go he'll go straight to the ground. Like I said, he'll do it in his own time!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Look What We've Been Doing. . .

Practicing our walking!!! Noah is finally starting to take some steps on his own. He's really made a lot of progress the past couple of days. He's gone from me basically pushing him to walk towards Justin (and vice verse) to him standing against the couch and starting to walk towards me on his own.
And here's a pic of him walking with his truck. He likes to walk with this from one end of the house to the other. The problem is he hasn't figured out how to turn it around!
It was such a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday that we took Noah for a walk in his wagon to my parents' house across town. He loves to ride in it! I knelt down to visit with him at a red light and he quickly let me know that my job was not to visit with him but to pull him!Of course his favorite thing at my mom's house, aside from his cousins, is still the piano. I would love to have one. I'm pretty sure we'll be moving this summer, I'll have to put one on my "wish list!"I think this picture is too cute, he looks like he's ready for his own office, doesn't he? He loves that table. He loves to work at it. . . . And sit and play under it.
This is his newest climbing toy, our vacuum. He LOVES the vacuum. He chases after it when we're using it and stands on top of it when we're trying to put it away. Now, I just can't wait to teach him how to use it!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Noah's Two Favorite Seats in the House

1. In his blue pull wagon. He especially loves it when mommy or daddy pull and push him around in it.And it's also a great reading spot!
2. His daddy's lazy boy. Pretty soon we'll be calling it "Noah's Chair" instead of "Justin's Chair." And yes, that is a spatula in his mouth. Why we ever buy him toys is beyond me! :)
This is also a great reading spot!The rest of these pictures are "just because pictures":
Just because . . . .
He's so cute in his Cubs hat and t-shirt (thank you Grandpa Dean & Fran)Just because. . .
He got a hand-me-down toy from someone at Grandma Debbie's church.
Just because. . .
He and his daddy look cute playing with the toy.
Just because. . . .
He loves to play with his cousin Ellie.
Just because. . .
His Uncle Aaron is a goofball.
Just because. . .
Bath time is fun!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Grandpa Tom!!!

Happy belated Birthday Grandpa Tom. I have been a very bad blogger and should have posted this on Monday, Tom' birthday. In fact I have been a bad daughter-in-law. When I dropped Noah off that morning I forgot to wish him a happy birthday. I'm so sorry!
Things have been busy here. Both Justin and I are trying to get back into the swing of school. I have some grade level concerts that I'm starting to worry about. And of course we bought a Wii, so Justin and I have been playing that after Noah goes to bed. (I really am getting addicted . . . not a good thing when I have lesson plans and ironing to do!) Here's a picture of Adam & Leah playing it.
Noah, of course, is his ever wonderful self. I just can't get enough of him. It was so hard to go back to school after break, I would so love to be a stay at home mommy. He loves that Brio train set that Santa gave him. He "helps" me unload the dishwasher. I guess he helped Kathy load the clothes into the dryer earlier this week.
I love watching his personality develop. He has the best laugh, which I think has to be the most wonderful sound I've ever heard. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are so lucky he is our son!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa & Happy New Year Everyone!

Today was my dad's birthday. After lunch we headed over to my parents' house where we spent time with my side of the family, had a yummy dinner and ate cake & ice cream to celebrate his day. Here are a few pictures. The first is my dad with all his grandkids, Noah, Ellie & Mary. Below Mary & Ellie are helping blow out the candles.
Noah & Papa.
Noah & Ellie sharing the rocking chair.
Janis, Aaron & my dad
One of Justin's and my projects this break was to make homemade spaghetti noodles and homemade ravioli. We also made homemade sauce. All of these were Granny's recipes. We invited our families over for dinner on New Years Eve to partake of our feast. I must admit it was quite yummy. From the picture you can see that Noah agrees. (We've learned to strip him down before adding tomato sauce!)
Here are some pictures from last night. First, my baby playing with his train set:
Kathy, Seth, Mary, Ellie, my mom & Janis playing "Sorry!":
Tom, Justin (with a very tired Noah) and Aaron playing on Aaron's gang's Wii. Very fun, I think Justin has talked me into getting one!

This one is not from New Years Eve but is just a cute, funny picture of one of Noah's favorite things to do: sit under his table that Santa brought him. Funny boy!
I hope you all had a great start to your new year!