Friday, February 4, 2011

My Goofy Kids

I really should be in bed but I have my music teacher professional development class tomorrow and I feel REALLY guilty that I haven't gotten much work done so I am up entering songs into Sibelius (a music notation software program). I needed a break so I'm doing a blog post. Something that I haven't been consistent with. I had a meeting all day today for Elementary #26- it was so inspiring and so much fun to work with my new colleagues. So, I'm still a little wired from that and I think that's another reason why it seems like trying to lay down to sleep isn't possible right now! They are a GREAT group of people and I am so lucky to be on the leadership team!

Here are a few pictures of two of my favorite people.

Noah and Hannah both love playing with pots and pans. Really, why do we spend money on toys?!:
Maybe he'll be a good chef like his daddy and grandpa Tom someday?!:
This is her new excited face, she loves to scrunch up her nose!:
What a goofball!:
Little Miss playing with the snake that I bought for my classroom (needless to say it's never been taken to school!)

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