It seems it's all I can do to keep my head above water these days, so the poor blog has been neglected!! I'm in the process of finishing my application for the leadership team of Elementary #26. That closes on November 1st and then the interview/teaching observations/informal conversations piece of it will take another month. My spirits were a bit dampened when I learned another music teacher is thinking of applying. She's a great teacher and we have very differing teaching styles. I'm really not a competitive person and my self-confidence has always been something that's lacking so it's hard to think that we might both be vying for the same position.
On top of that I'm on three different Professional Study Teams in the district and am facilitator for two of them. Thank goodness my duties to ROCKE are completed!!
Here are some pictures of my two darlings to catch you up. Noah is doing AWESOME in preschool and Hannah is rolling EVERYWHERE!! Here she is after she rolled under the swing:
She thinks she's SO big holding her sippy!
I took a day off to go with Noah on his field trip to the pumpkin patch. The bad news: it was rained out. The good news: I already had the day off for the alternate date!
So, since we didn't make it to the pumpkin patch the first day I stayed with him that morning in his classroom. It was a lot of fun!
Here's baby bear!
It's too bad she never smiles!
And here we are in his classroom the day we finally got to go to the pumpkin patch.
The kiddos acted out the story "The Enormous Pumpkin" for us, it was very cute:
At circle time, getting ready to go:
At the pumpkin patch:
He was excited to go in the hay maze- he was the first one!!!
Here he is with his class:
Oh, did I mention Hannah-bear is almost sitting by herself?!
See the look on Justin's face? Need I say more? That's happiness:
Hannah tried her first solid food last weekend, avocados! We haven't tried it again since because they went bad too fast.
And here we are today, getting ready to go to the mall (I took the day off and it was a perfectly cloudy, gloomy day to go! Plus, we all know it's Noah's favorite place!)
Noah crashed on the way home. While he was asleep his new winter coat came in the mail. Hannah LOVED playing with the box!