Monday, November 14, 2011

Halloween (Even though it's almost Thanksgiving!)

I am so late posting Halloween pictures, so late that I just deleted what I wrote because I had written Thanksgiving pictures!  Some of these are from before and after Halloween.

Here's little miss, at her 18 month check-up, waiting for the doctor:

Here's from when I took my duo to the Cherry Creek mall to play: Noah was too fast to get a picture of!

Here's my little Buzz Lightyear, before we went to the Erie Trunk-or-Treat. He's shooting his "laser"


This is why there aren't many pictures of Noah- he covers his eyes if he knows you're going to take a picture!

Little Miss- she gets her relaxation gene from her daddy.

So does this one!

This was a week before Halloween- she loves those pumpkin buckets!

"Can we Trick or Treat now?!"

My mom saved ALL of our toys.  This is the baby doll crib that I had as a little girl.  I recently got it out for Hannah and we've been playing "babies."  Here she is covering up her baby:

Kissing her baby-doll:

And now, trying to get in the baby doll crib:  (looks like she's stretching for ballet!)

Our pumpkins (the one on the right is from my kindergarteners!)

Buzz, looking through his loot from Grandma Kathy:

Minnie Mouse:

Mu Buzz:

Getting dinner at McDonald's, in between trick-or-treating:


Playing last night in the basement.  Noah is playing with my old Little People.  Hannah is getting ready to turn the t.v. on!

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